Leadership & management

Public leadership is...


“Conduct that encourages others to act responsibly in the public interest, so that they achieve more together than they would have achieved separately and/or on their own."

Leadership requires...


Intellectual drive and emotional labour.

Hardware - Software

A formula for leading change


Change is more likely to occur when ...

(AG + ANS) x DCR > OI


agreement on goals


agreement on next step


dissatisfaction with current reality


organisational inertia

Team: together everyone achieves more


The intrinsic sources of motivation at work:

the drive for personal accomplishment and the need for recognition


the desire to be part of a team of people trying to achieve something


the drive to be involved in progress: making a positive difference in the world

the contributive principle ...


“Before you advise people how you think their performance compare to others, inform them how their personal contribution makes a difference!”


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